Side Effects of Baking Soda on Teeth

7 Common Side Effects of Baking Soda on Teeth

Baking soda, sodium bicarbonate, is a chemical compound with many household applications. It is used to make cakes, remove stains from silverware, and an alternative to brushing teeth instead of using toothpaste. Baking soda is commonly used in teeth because it is a natural teeth whitener and helps eliminate odor. However, using baking soda as toothpaste has side effects that can harm oral health in the long run. 

This article will look at some of the side effects of baking soda on teeth and how it affects oral health. Let’s dig in. 

Side Effects of Baking Soda on Teeth

1. Abrasion of enamel

Baking soda has a gritty texture that might act as a double-edged sword when used for oral care. While it can help remove surface stains, its abrasive nature can lead to enamel erosion. Tooth enamel is the protective outer layer that protects the teeth, and its erosion results in increased tooth sensitivity, discoloration, and vulnerability to cavities. 

Enamel is the hardest substance in the body; once lost, it cannot be regenerated. And the few ways of improving its mineral content to restore it is something you might not want to embark on.  

2. Gingivitis

Gingivitis is a type of gum disease caused by plaque buildup. Baking soda can help remove plaque but can also irritate the gums. The abrasive particles of baking soda can harm tooth enamel, irritate and damage the sensitive gum tissues. Gum irritation can manifest as redness, swelling, and tenderness, potentially leading to gingivitis or exacerbating gum problems. 

3. Enamel Staining

While baking soda is often used to whiten teeth, excessive and frequent use can lead to enamel staining. This occurs when the enamel becomes thinner due to abrasion, allowing the yellowish dentin be keen on the color of your teeth. And if you notice any changes, it is time to visit a dentist. 

4. Increased Tooth Sensitivity

The abrasive baking soda can cause enamel erosion and weaken it over time, exposing the dentin layer beneath it. Dentin contains microscopic tubules that connect to the nerves of the teeth, making them sensitive to temperature changes and certain foods. Prolonged use of baking soda can escalate tooth sensitivity, leading to discomfort and pain while consuming hot, cold, or acidic foods.

5. Destroys braces 

Baking soda can interfere with the effectiveness of some dental appliances. If you are using braces, for example, baking soda can dissolve the glue that holds your braces or retainers in place, causing them to loosen or fall off. 

Baking soda can also damage your braces’ metal wires and brackets, making them more prone to corrosion and breakage. This can lead to dark staining in your teeth; in the worst cases, the restoration will become loose and lead to premature replacement. 

6. Dry mouth

Abrasive baking soda can irritate the salivary glands and the delicate tissues in the mouth. As a defensive response, the body may reduce saliva production to minimize the discomfort caused by the baking soda particles. This reduction in saliva flow can leave the mouth feeling dry and uncomfortable. This increases the risk of gingivitis, bad breath and can exacerbate gum irritation. 

7. Allergy or sensitivity to baking soda

People with an allergic reaction to baking soda, especially if they have a history of skin or respiratory problems, should avoid baking soda. It may cause symptoms including itching, burning, swelling, redness, or rash in the mouth or lips. If you experience any of these signs after using baking soda on your teeth, stop using it immediately. 

Best Way to Use Baking Soda to Minimize the Side Effects

At most, dentists recommend the use of baking soda twice a week. Frequent usage increases the risk of abrasion on your teeth. Also, it is important to dilute your baking soda with water to create a paste. After use, rinse your mouth thoroughly with water to reduce the risk of gum irritation. Consecutively, avoid using baking soda if you have braces with orthodontic glue.


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