Foods to Avoid for Menopause Belly Fat

5 Foods to Avoid for Menopause Belly Fat 

 At menopause, most women experience weight gain, particularly at the midsection. This weight, commonly known as menopause belly fat (because it occurs in the abdomen), results from the loss of muscle tissues and the decline in estrogen levels.

Midsection weight gain has serious implications for your health. It increases your risk of breathing problems and, in some cases, can lead to blood vessel and heart disease. While there are many natural ways of getting rid of a menopausal belly, there are several foods that you should avoid if you want to cut down your belly fat. These foods:

  • Exacerbate hormonal change
  • Are high in sugar
  • Contribute to insulin resistance
  • Lead to inflammation
  • They can spike the blood sugars

Below are some of the worst foods to avoid for menopause belly fat.

Foods to Avoid for Menopause Belly Fat

1. Processed Foods

Foods to Avoid for Menopause Belly Fat

Processed foods taste good, but they’re loaded with sodium, sugars and unhealthy fats, which contribute to weight gain.

The high sodium contributes to water retention, which leads to bloating and swelling, particularly in the midsection. The high sugar content raises the blood sugar levels, triggering the release of insulin, a hormone that helps the body to store excess glucose as fat.

Processed foods contain preservatives and additives that disrupt hormonal balance in the body. This increases inflammation in the body, making it hard to lose weight.

To manage menopause belly, reduce the intake of processed foods or use healthier alternatives such as fresh fruits, raw veggies and hummus, hard-boiled eggs, and nuts and seeds.

2. Refined Carbohydrates 

Refined or simple carbohydrates are processed grains stripped off fiber and other vital nutrients. They are present in foods such as white bread, white flour, pastries, soda, sweets and white rice and can lead to weight gain.

When you consume refined carbs, they are quickly converted to glucose and enter the bloodstream, which can spike blood sugar levels. The body responds to the rise in blood sugar by releasing more insulin into the system.

Consuming excess refined carbs can lead to insulin resistance, a condition where the body becomes less responsive to insulin. This increases the levels of insulin hence promoting fat storage, type 2 diabetes, risk of obesity and other metabolic disorders.

To manage menopause belly fat, limit the intake of refined carbs and focus on whole, unprocessed foods rich in fiber and other nutrients. This includes fruits, whole grains, and vegetables.  

3. Alcohol

Foods to Avoid for Menopause Belly Fat

Alcohol consumption can contribute to menopause belly for several reasons. It is high in calories which can result in weight gain when consumed in excess. Alcohol also interferes with the body’s ability to metabolize fat, leading to increased fat storage, especially in the abdomen.

High alcohol consumption has been linked to decreasing testosterone levels, a hormone crucial for maintaining muscle mass and reducing body fat. Disruption of these hormones increases body fat and decreases muscle mass, which can lead to menopausal belly fat. Taking alcohol frequently also interferes with sleep patterns, which can lead to weight gain.

A proper way to control menopause belly is to reduce the amount of alcohol you consume. Similarly, drink alternatives such as herbal teas, coffee, apple juice and watermelon juice.

4. Fried Food

Fried foods are delicious. However, how they are prepared makes them dangerous for everyday consumption. They are fried in oil under extremely high temperature, making them likely to contain trans fats, associated with increased risk for obesity and heart disease.

Fried foods have more calories and fats than non-fried foods. They contain extra sugar and salts, which can cause belly fat accumulation. In addition, they are coated in refined carbohydrates like white flour, which can spike blood sugar and lead to menopause belly. Their high sodium levels contribute to water retention and bloating in the midsection.

5. Sugar-Sweetened Beverages

Sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB) include liquids that contain various added sugars like corn sweetener, fructose, brown sugar, corn syrup and maltose. This includes energy drinks, soda, coffee with added sugar and fruit drinks.

As the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention puts it, “frequent drinking of sugar-sweetened beverages is associated with weight gain, obesity, type 2 diabetes and kidney disease”. SSB are high in calories and added sugars, which can contribute to weight gain and inflammation, while they provide virtually zero nutrients.

Best Foods for Menopause Belly  

A healthy and balanced diet can promote weight management and reduce belly fat. A proper diet to eliminate belly fat consists of the following foods.

  • High-fiber foods. Foods high in fiber, such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes, can help regulate blood sugar, support weight management and reduce menopause belly. 
  • Leafy greens. Greens such as kale, spinach, and collard greens have numerous benefits for weight loss. They are rich in plant compounds which can aid in fat loss. They also have enzymes that help in the assortment of micronutrients in the body. 
  • Healthy fats. Foods with healthy fats such as avocado, nuts, seeds and olive oil promote the feeling of fullness and help balance hormones in the body. 
  • Water-rich foods. Foods with high water content, such as strawberries, watermelon, and cucumber, have anti-inflammatory properties, which help to reduce inflammation. They also promote hydration which is vital for losing belly fat
  • Probiotics-rich foods. Probiotics such as kefir, yoghurt, and sauerkraut help to improve metabolism and have properties that prevent inflammation. 
  • Fruits. Fruits such as apples, pears, and pomegranate help to balance hormones in the body. They are rich in vitamins and vital minerals, which help to regulate hormones in the body. 

Bottom Line

Although there are many natural ways of losing belly fat, different foods play a key role in eliminating belly fat, while other foods lead to fat accumulation. By focusing on a balanced diet rich in healthy foods, you can prevent the development of belly fat.


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